Windsor Hotel in Kincaid

The hotel competition to finish to a bar license.

Most small-town hotels are either gone or are only using the main floor for the bar and the upper floors are boarded. We have photographed multiple one-level motels but never a hotel.

The Windsor Hotel was located in Kincaid, Saskatchewan. Built in 1913 it remained open until 2006. It had always been secure on past visits but in 2014 the back door was open so we took advantage of the opportunity and documented the building. We spent about an hour photographing the entire hotel including upstairs rooms, the main floor restaurant, and the basement, which was used for storage. We locked the door on the way out.

The hotel must have been the heart of the town back in its day. We imagine many people visited the restaurant and bar after sports games. Unfortunately, it was abandoned for many years before it was demolished in 2019. The top "hotel" sign remained on the property for a while but was later removed. Today there is an empty lot, no sign of its previous life.

Windsor Hotel History

 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haddad and sons Ernie and George came to Kincaid from Morse in 1912. There was a rush to build a Hotel. Jack Haddad hauled the lumber from Vanguard and hired a contractor to build the building. Joe Krippes was also building a building that would be, a hotel on the South East corner of town. The first one to complete his building would get the license to run a bar. The race was fairly close but Jack Haddad had his building completed first and opened the Hotel with a bar in 1913. The Haddad family ran the Hotel for many years. Evelyn, John and Francis were born in Kincaid and the Haddad children all went to school here. Mr. Wilfred Winsor ran the Dray here in Kincaid and unloaded the 1st Dray load of beer in the new Hotel. 

The Haddads sold the Hotel in the early 1920s to two people, Jimmy Wong and Jack Kushyn. Jimmy Wong was the manager and Kushyn was the Cook. These boys ran the Hotel for many years. Abie Schachter ran a general store on the west side of the Hotel. Mr. Schachter later moved his store to the Gunn's general store building. 

Al Booker and family came to town and in 1940 Al Booker moved to the Kincaid Hotel as the Beer Parlors became law in Sask. and of course, the boys could not get a license to sell beer unless they were naturalized Canadians. Al Booker first rented the building and later bought the Hotel. Al and Winnie Booker had two children Irene, Mrs. Mortenson of Gull Lake and son Harlan who lives in Winnipeg. 

Al Booker re-named the Hotel - Windsor Hotel. in 1940. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fallis bought the Hotel in 1946. Mr. Fallis had been a Bank Manager in Fairlight Sask. before coming to Kincaid. Mr. and Mrs. Fallis ran a good Hotel and all the commercial travelers stayed in Kincaid at the Windsor Hotel. 

Mr. and Mrs. Fallis had one daughter Norma who became a doctor and married Dr. Denny Harris. Norma and Denny are practicing medicine in Texas. They have one daughter. Mr. Frank Fallis was deceased in 1977 or 78. As far as is known Mrs. Fallis is still living in Edmonton. 

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sumner came to Kincaid from Edmonton and bought the Windsor Hotel from Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fallis in 1955. The Sumner's had three children, daughters Lynn and Kathy and son Brad . The Sumners ran the Windsor Hotel until 1959. 

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Aasen came to Kincaid from the farm at Mazenod and bought the Hotel from Mr. and Mrs. Sumner. Joe and Laura Aasen ran the Windsor Hotel until 1976. They had two sons Richard and Murray who live in Saskatoon. Five daughters, Debbie, Sharon, Linda, Faye, Holly. Joe Aasen was killed in a car accident 1980 and Laura.

Fran and Clarence Hunter were the last owners of the Winsor Hotel. They had done a lot of renovations. All the rooms on the 2nd floor have been redone and carpeted.  The Coffee Shop has been remodeled. The Bar has been enlarged and a Steak Pit added at the back of the bar. The Windsor Hotel is very nice and is a credit to the town. 

Information sourced from the book Trails to Crossroads (1909-1980)

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